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Dangers of Asbestos in Houston

Asbestos is a material that is discouraged to use in the US for construction. In 2024, chrysotile asbestos, an asbestos form was banned. So, the chances are not that much to find this material in the household, especially the new ones. But, the buildings made in or before the 1980s contain this material in their roofing, ceiling, or other parts.

You must be aware of the dangers of asbestos. The wise way to stay safe from the existing asbestos in the home is to make sure that the respective structural parts are unharmed. But, damages can take place at any time. Considering that you should take professional help to remove asbestos from the building. Frontier Services Group service team is only a phone call away from you to help. Call us today or send a service request online for a quick service.


How Bad Is Asbestos for Health?

Take note that there is no safety level amount of asbestos. It's a proven toxic element that won't take much time to cause health issues. Asbestos contains microscopic particles that easily float in the air. So, they can easily reach the lungs and cause discomfort. The symptoms will be coughing, breathing problems, and chest pain. Long-term asbestos exposure can also become the reason for cancer. If you want to stay safe from the effects of this material, asbestos removal has to be done as soon as possible.

Take note, removing this threatening thing will be safe only with expert help. DIY methods will create health risks.

When you May Need Asbestos Removal Is Necessary

You may not have the idea if your home's structural materials contain asbestos if you didn't build it. To know that get help from an expert. then, you can decide on asbestos removal. In general, if the condition of the structure is okay, you may not work on those parts that are suspected to contain asbestos. However, it's not discouraged to remove asbestos from a building even if there's no sign of risks. But, if you are planning to do a demolition and renovation project, it's necessary to be concerned about this element. This will be the prior task before beginning the alteration of the property. To take precautions you can do the inspection and make a decision accordingly. the total process would be supervised by an experienced team.


Why Take Help from Frontier Services Group?

Our BBB-accredited company with an A+ rating status has experience working in the industry since 2010. Over a decade service has gained us the popularity and reliability of customers. Be it a residential or commercial premise, we will efficiently secure your property. We are licensed & insured and have the necessary tool support and expertise to carry out and finish each and every task. If you are a resident of The Woodlands, Katy, Sugar Land, and other service areas, we are only a phone call away to help you out with the asbestos issues. Besides asbestos removal, we have a knowledgeable technician team to cover content restoration and cleaning services.

Our Different Asbestos Removal Services

Check out the below similar asbestos removal services we offer and set an appointment with us for your preferred service.

For hiring an asbestos company we have useful tips for you. Regardless of the types of asbestos, you will get standard services.


Asbestos Abatement

The tasks this service covers are identification, removal, repair, and encapsulation. We will do this flawlessly through a professional procedure with the help of the latest tool support.


Asbestos at Home

Asbestos removal at home will secure your home. We will also do the cleanup and dispose carefully according to an effective plan. By taking this service you will get back your peace of mind.


Asbestos at Work

Ensuring the safety of the employees is necessary. To avoid health issues and also for the continual operations this service will be a wise mitigation. It will improve the property's value.


Asbestos at School

Like the workplace, the lives of students will be also at risk because of the presence of asbestos. This service is crucial for the safety of school students, teachers, and staff, and also for preserving the property's value.

Call Us Today to Secure Your Property

Be it your home, school, or office, without taking care of the well-being of residents, visitors, and employees it's impossible to maintain a convenient atmosphere in the property. When it comes to asbestos, this matter is so true. You better not take a chance in this regard especially when you can have the problem fixed. Frontier Services Group team is well-prepared to respond to your service request. Feel free to contact our service team by calling. You can also reach us online.
